User access to the cashbook

Written by David K.

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

You can set in the settings on the MINI under user management which users have access to your cashbook. In the default setting, only the administrator can see the cashbook and make entries.

How to set up access to the cashbook

  1. On the MINI, go to Settings > User Management > Manage Roles in the menu.
  2. Then select the role for which you want to activate or deactivate the permission to use the cashbook.
  3. Scroll to the end of the permissions list and tap on the slider for “Access to the cashbook”. If the permission is activated (blue slider), every user in this role can access the cashbook and also enter income and withdrawals as well as make the cash balancing and daily closing of the cashbook sheet.
  4. Tap “Save” at the top & you're done.

Why am I asked for an admin password when I want to access the cashbook?

You no longer have the permission to access the cashbook. In this case, an administrator must grant you one-time access to the cashbook - or alternatively (re)give you the permission in the settings.