Creating a personal receipt (Eigenbeleg)

Written by Jens B.

Last published at: February 19th, 2025

Please be sure to take note of the following information!
 orderbird does not offer legal or tax advice. All information with legal or tax aspects is in no way to be viewed as legal or tax advice.

In order to provide you with the most reliable instructions possible, our cooperation partner, the tax law firm Buder ( from Berlin, has examined the procedure described below for dealing with the orderbird cashbook and found it to be correct with regard to aspects relevant to tax law. However, it may be that this approach is not suitable for you and your business in particular.

Therefore, be sure to contact your tax advisor for a binding statement on how to use the orderbird cashbook correctly for yourself. Both orderbird and the Buder tax law firm exclude liability for the timeliness, correctness and completeness of the information that orderbird provides here with regard to tax procedures.


Let's go

Since no booking can be made without a receipt, you are legally obliged to create a so-called personal receipt in this case. This replaces a regular receipt.

You need your own receipt, for example, if you...

  • ... make a private deposit,
  • ... have to record a theft,
  • ...spend tips,
  • ... make a private withdrawal or
  • ... make a withdrawal to deposit into the business account.

You can also get yourself out of trouble with your own receipt if you ever lose a receipt. However, this must remain the absolute exception, otherwise the tax office will become suspicious. Even if personal receipts are issued for unrealistic amounts, there is reason to complain. In addition, you cannot claim input tax on your own receipt!

You can use a commercially available receipt pad to create your own receipts. Please note that the following information must be included on your own receipt:

  • Payee with full address
  • Type of cash issue or cash receipt
  • Date of expenditure
  • Amount of cash received or spent
  • Justification for the self-receipt
  • Date and own signature