Add and manage users

Written by Jens B.

Last published at: June 13th, 2023

Create user profiles for your employees on your orderbird MINI and assign them roles with rights.

Open the [Menu] > [Settings] > [User management] > [Manage users] on the device.

Create new users

  1. Tap on "Add user" at the bottom
  2. Enter a name - it must be unique.
  3. Set a PIN for the user and enter it a second time for confirmation.
  4. Assign rights to your new user:
    • Administrator: The user has all rights
    • Role: The user has the rights of the corresponding roles. You can also activate multiple roles for the user. Read more: Add and assign roles 
    • No role: All permissions are disabled.
  5. Done!

Edit a user

Tap on the name to edit this user. Here you can:

  1. Change the PIN
  2. Edit the user:
    • Change the name,
    • change or disable its role,
    • or delete the user.

Good to know

  • Only users with the appropriate permission can edit user profiles.
  • All of them can change their own PIN - in [Menu] > [Settings] > [User management] > [Change own PIN].