How is the DATEV export of orderbird structured? (Info for tax advisors)

Written by Jens B.

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

As a cash register system manufacturer, we adhere to the specifications of the tax authorities, which is why the DATEV export created by orderbird MINI is structured according to the principle of double-entry bookkeeping. All cash and non-cash payments are booked from the revenue accounts (=your folders) against a clearing account (=transit account on MY orderbird), from which the cash accounts (=payment types on MY orderbird) are served.

This way we avoid that all revenues are booked against the cash account. This is due to the fact that the BMF considers the posting of non-cash revenues against the cash account as a formal error, which can lead to the cash management being considered improper.

We also recommend creating clearing accounts. Rounding errors have been observed when using debit account numbers for tips given via card payment.

Here is also a supportive document to ease the setup of DATEV: