I cannot log in to MY orderbird

Written by Jens B.

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

You have set up your MY orderbird account, but now the login no longer works? 

Here are three tips that have often helped:

  1. Write your email address exactly as you did when you registered for MY orderbird.
  2. Please keep in mind, that the email address is case-sensitive.
  3. Make sure that no spaces are used (e.g. at the beginning or end).

Forgot your password?

Open MY orderbird and click on "Forgot password". You will receive an email to create a new password.

Please remember that you have the same credentials for MY orderbird and your orderbird MINI, thus the new password will apply to both.


Forgot your email?

Send us a message or contact us via chat , and we will help you out.

Please remember that you have the same credentials for MY orderbird and your orderbird MINI, thus the new email will apply to both.

Wrong email address entered?

 Chat with us, so that we can enter and save your correct email address.