How to change your MY orderbird e-mail address

Written by Jens B.

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

Everything in life changes, so do email addresses. This is what you do if you want to have a different email address for MY orderbird.

  1. Email us from the current MY orderbird email address, in which you tell us the new MY orderbird email address. It looks like this:  
    "I hereby request that my current MY orderbird email address,, be replaced with the following:"
  2. You will then receive a message from us when we have updated the email address.
  3. After that, you only have to set a new password.

No access to the old email anymore?

Nothing is impossible, just a bit more complicated:

  1. You send us your business registration and the new e-mail address. This is the only way we can update the e-mail address. The rest remains the same.
  2. You receive a message from us when we have updated your email address.
  3. You set a new password.