Items with a free price: sell, create on-the-go and select existing ones

Written by Jens B.

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

An item is not yet in the item list of your orderbird MINI, but the customers are already running into you with it? Then you can sell it via a diverse item with free price entry, or even create it on-the-go during the order process.

Jump straight to the guide you need:

Individual item name, but only once?

Do you absolutely need an individual item name but only once? E.g. with a customer number or an external invoice number so that you can assign it? Then you will find a workaround here on how you can do it with as little effort as possible.


Sell an item with a free price

  1. In the folder view, tap the [€] sign at the top.
  2. Enter the desired price. If you tap on the arrow with the x, you can correct the price.     
  3. Below the price, you can see which item you are selling with a free price. If the item displayed is correct, tap [Add] to add it to the shopping cart.    
    If you want to change the selected item or create a new item, read on in the next section below. 
  4. Finished! :)

Negative amounts

Did you know: If you tap on the [+/-] in front of the amount, you can also enter negative amounts. This is super handy for a refund from closed shifts.


Negative amounts deducted from your turnover

Negative amounts will be deducted from your turnover, i.e. never use this function for bank deposits!


Create a new item with a free price on-the-go and sell it right away

  1. In the folder view, tap the [€] sign at the top.
  2. Enter the desired price. If you tap on the arrow with the x, you can correct the price.
  3. Then tap on [Change] next to the displayed item to create a new item.     
  4. Tap [Add New item] at the bottom.     
  5. Enter the name for the item, choose the category it should be in and set the tax rate.     
  6. Tap on [Add] and in the next step on [Save].
  7. Add the item to the shopping cart.
  8. Finished :)

You can make additional settings for the new item later via Menu > item list, such as DATEV settings, PLU, barcode, etc.

Select a specific free price item to sell

  1. In the folder view, tap the [€] sign at the top.
  2. Enter the desired price. If you tap on the arrow with the x, you can correct the price.
  3. Then tap [Change] next to the displayed item to select a different item.     
  4. Select the item to sell and tap [Save] in the top right corner.     
  5. In the next step tap on [Add].     
  6. Finished :).

Completely individual and unique

So that you can continue to sell one-off items but not overflow your item list with the many free-price items, we have a workaround for you to keep your item list clean and organized.

  1. Create a folder, e.g. "one-off billing"
  2. Then sell your items for [€] as described above
    • Always create a new item and type your desired data in the name.
    • Always choose the category you created before.
  3. You can then delete all disposable items at once by simply deleting the folder, e.g. at the end of the day or once a week
  4. Remember to recreate the category again for the next batch of one-time bookings.

By the way: Do not put any other items in this category that you want to keep, because they will of course also be removed when you delete them!