Important things if you change the name or the ownership of your company or sell your device

Written by Jens B.

Last published at: June 8th, 2023

In the event of a change of the company's name or ownership or the resale of the orderbird MINI, you must cancel your current orderbird MINI account. Afterwards, you have to create a new account.

Step 1 | Cancel your current account

At orderbird

Write us a short message via mail or chat, ...

  • on which date you would like to cancel your account,
  • to which email your account is registered,
  • and the serial number of your device.

At Worldline

You get a template from us for cancelling your Worldline account by e-mail. Please sign it and send the signed document back to us by e-mail. We will confirm receipt and forward it to Worldline. You will receive another mail from us when your account is finally deactivated.

Step 2 | New owner means new account

Please let us know when the change should take place. On this day, we will have the MINI App reset to factory settings by our provider Payworks. Afterwards, the new owner can create an account for him/herself, as you did at the beginning. This will send him/her a new email to register on MY orderbird and an email to register with Worldline.

In case of a last-minute change, you can also contact us via the chat in MY orderbird or your orderbird MINI. Our support team will then be happy to help you manually reset your orderbird MINI.

What about my items and folders?

New account, but same folders and items? No problem, we can copy the data from the previous account to the new account. If you keep a few things in mind, you have the data in your new account i no time.

  1. Create a new account on MY orderbird and let us know when you are registered in MY orderbird. 
    Important! Make sure you use a new e-mail for the new account, as each e-mail may only be linked to one account at a time.
  2. Then send a declaration of consent from your old MY orderbird e-mail address stating that you agree to the transfer of intellectual property to the new account. This can look like this:
    "I hereby agree that the entire item list is transferred from the MY orderbird account "alteraccount@anbieter.XY to the MY orderbird account neueraccount@anbieter.xy."
  3. You will receive a mail when the item list is in the new account.
  4. Important! Be sure to check again...
  5. the settings of the orderbird MINI and
    the details on the receipt, as these will also be copied. Change them if necessary.